Air Pollution Control

The basic elements of the Commission’s Air Pollution Control Program are:
  • Response to citizen complaints and air emergencies
  • Enforcement of state and local air pollution control codes
  • Participation in NJDEP programs directed at specific source categories
Complaint Response

Problems such as odor, smoke, and excessive dust are typically the subject of citizen complaints. The Commission gives high priority to complaint response in order to minimize the effects of these non-compliant conditions that may degrade air quality and negatively impact quality of life.

State Air Pollution Control Compliance

The Commission is delegated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to conduct inspections of certain ‘Minor/B’ air pollution sources to determine compliance with state air pollution control regulations (NJAC 7:27-1 et seq.), and to undertake enforcement as necessary. These sources include boilers, emergency generators, degreasers, waste oil burners, auto body shops, and dry cleaners.

In addition, the Commission participates in a program aimed at improving the state’s air quality by enforcement of anti-idling rules to reduce diesel emissions.

Air Pollution Source Registration

The Commission is delegated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to conduct inspections of certain ‘Minor/B’ air pollution sources to determine compliance with state air pollution control regulations (NJAC 7:27-1 et seq.), and to undertake enforcement as necessary. These sources include boilers, emergency generators, degreasers, waste oil burners, auto body shops, and dry cleaners.

Registration Forms:
Local Air Code: