
What can you do?

We can only do so much to prevent mosquitoes and the diseases that they transmit. As citizens of Hudson County, you can help reduce mosquitoes around the home. Taking certain precautions will help prevent your exposure to mosquito bites and the diseases that mosquitoes transmit.

Preventing mosquito bites

We can only do so much to prevent mosquitoes and the diseases that they transmit. As citizens of Hudson County, you can help reduce mosquitoes around the home. Taking certain precautions will help prevent your exposure to mosquito bites and the diseases that mosquitoes transmit.

Use Insect Repellent

Some insect repellents are extremely effective at preventing mosquito bites and, when used correctly, do not pose a health concern. Repellents containing DEET, Picaridin or IR3535 have been shown to be the most effective. See the links above for additional information.

Wear Protective Clothing

Cover exposed skin by wearing long sleeves, socks, and pants. Wear heavy clothing if possible, as mosquitoes can bite through some thin clothing. Also, treating clothing with a repellent such as permethrin will provide additional protection.

Avoid Mosquitoes

Although a few species of mosquitoes will bite during the daytime, most mosquitoes are active between dusk and dawn. Peak hours are from just before dark until 2-3 hours after dark. Try to avoid the outdoors during those times. During the daytime, mosquitoes rest in humid shaded areas. Avoid areas such as woodlands, marshes, wetlands, etc., whenever possible.

Eliminating mosquitoes around the home
Bird Baths
Bird Baths

Bird baths are often forgotten about. The small amount of water in a bird bath will quickly stagnate. Change the water in bird baths regularly to keep it clean. Inspect it regularly and dump out the water if mosquito larvae are found.


Eliminate or invert all containers which hold water. Or, punch holes in the bottom to keep them from holding water.

Decorative Ponds
Decorative Ponds

Keep the water clean to prevent mosquito breeding. Installing a pump or fountain to agitate the water will discourage mosquitoes from laying eggs there. Drain them when not in use.


Leaky faucets can create a pool of water in your yard. Fix them so they do not leak, don't just place a bucket under them.

Flexible Downspouts
Flexible Downspouts

Often overlooked, flexible downspouts hold water in the corrugations and provide ample habitat for mosquitoes to breed.


Clogged gutters hold a lot of organic matter and water. Keep gutters clean so that water flows freely. Be sure that the water that flows out of your downspout does not pool around the base of your house.

Low Areas in Yard
Low Areas in Yard

Just like a container, low spots in the yard which hold water for more than a few days will be sources of mosquito production. Fill low spots, or improve drainage.

Swimming Pool
Swimming Pools

Neglected swimming pools are a common source of mosquito production. Organic debris in the pool attracts mosquitoes. Dirty pools can produce huge numbers of mosquitoes. Keep pool water clean and clear to prevent mosquito breeding. When the pool is not in use, drain it or cover it.


Make sure that tarps are pulled taut to avoid low spots which can hold water.


Properly discard any old tires around your home. Old tires hold water indefinitely. Certain species of mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs in tires! If you cannot discard your old tires, keep them indoors or covered so that they do not collect water.

Tree Holes
Tree Holes

Tree holes are simply natural containers. Fill in tree holes to keep them from holding water.

Window Screen
Window Screen

Install or repair all window and door screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering the home.